
JetreQ have implemented an extensive quality program in accordance with ISO9001:2015 and ISO14001:2015.

Please view our ISO9001:2015 and ISO14001:2015 Certificate

This has helped to ensure high customer satisfaction and the delivery of high quality products and services to our clients.

You can access more information by clicking on the links below or using the drop-down menu.

Our quality process

At JetreQ Components we like to keep things simple.

All our Electronic Components and Network Accessories products are fully traceable and supplied with complete documentation. We refuse to deliver anything less, and you should expect nothing less from a business partner.

If we handle goods from the open market such as excess stock from OEMS, all products will go through careful examination in a Certified Test Laboratory.

We perform everything from standard EVI, X-ray and De-capsulation to electronic functional testing to ensure that all products supplied are of the highest possible quality.

We take quality seriously from a business perspective but this is also informed by a social responsibility that we hold deeply. Simply put, if components are not up to standard then some very important things in the world can end up not working. We keep this in mind when we deliver our products and as a result we take no risks and accept nothing short of perfection. It’s too important to get wrong.

Customer satisfaction

At JetreQ customer satisfaction is the most important factor and is integral to our commitment to the delivery of a high quality service.

We  constantly monitor, measure and improve our business processes to ensure customer satisfaction.

We also find that our customers themselves provide the best information for how we can improve, so we welcome feedback about anything that we do.

Why choose us?